ø | 2013-10-11 00:10:21
Ͻ_2013 10 25/26/27 7 (27 3 / 7 ι)
_ 2 ڽþ
ó_ϼһ̾Ƽ http://thebooksociety.org
ְ, _ø http://dotolim.com
Ȩ http://www.dotolim.com/dotolimpic/
3ϰ 4ȸ ط 2ȸ° ´ 佺Ƽ "ø 2013" ȣ е Ź帮 մϴ. ϴ.
ͱġ Ÿī Kawaguchi Takahiro
Ǻ Kwon Byungjun
¿ Taeyong Kim
̵ Noid
Lo Wie
ġƳ Luciano Maggiore
ѱ Ryu Hankil
Ƽ Matija Schellander
ɺ Kevin Parks
Ƽ Sam Pettigrew
߸ Seijiro Murayama
ƿ Ķ Attila Faravelli
ȵ巹ƽ κκġ Andreas Trobollowitsch
˷ Ƽ Alessandro Bosetti
˷ ñ Alexander Sigman
Ÿ Enrico Malatesta
븮 Odaeri
ö ȣ Olaf Hochherz
̹̿ Lee Miyeon
̿ Okkyung Lee
Lee Hangjun
̽ ĭ Jason Kahn
Joe Foster
Jin Sangtae
ּ Sehee Choi
ؿ Choi Joonyong
ø Tim Olive
ȫö Hong Chulki
ְ, : ø http://www.dotolim.com
Ŀ, : Seoul Art Space_Mullae, شϵ Balloon and Needle, Ŵ manual, ڵ Celadon Records, Ż ƼƮ ȸ Association of the Circuit of Young Italian Artists, Ʈ Austrian Embassy Seoul, Ʈ ȭ Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture(BMUKK)
URL: http://www.dotolim.com/dotolimpic/?page_id=9