Ÿںġ, پ 丮 ħ ȭ ̿øϽƮ. еϴ ַ ū ڼ ϴ!👏🏻
ٶ ճ Ǿ ̷ο Ÿ Ҹ ϰ ǰ־ϴ. 😌🎶
ȯ ɹ̸ .👨👨👧 ȯϰ ̾ϴ.✨ ٶ ճ Ǿ ̷ο Ÿ Ҹ
ϰ ǰ־ϴ. 😌🎶
997ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ
2023 9 11() 8
(Violin), (Piano)
з 3
Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)
“Ballabile” from Sonata for Cello and Piano, FP.143
Photograph by The House Concert
۷ ǰ ּ. Ͽ콺ܼƮ ̲ ū ̵˴ϴ. (α ̿밡մϴ)