128ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ
Ͻ: 2006 8 18 8
: ڹλ(Flute), (Flute), (Piano), ȣ(Double Bass), DZö(Drum)
= Franz Doppler : Andante &Rondo for 2 flute and piano
= Gary Schocker : The Further Adventure of Two Flutes
= Claude Bolling : Suite
1) Baroque and Blue
2) Sentimentale
3) Javanaise
4) Irlandaise
5) Veloce
_ Claude Bolling : Suite Irlandaise
_ ÷ ϼ̴ ڹλ
_ ÷ ϼ̴
_ ǾƳ븦 ϼ̴
_ 巳 ϼ̴ DZö
_ ̽ ϼ̴ ȣ
* Ͽ콺 ܼƮ... "ĩ " ...ϴ.
۷ ǰ ּ. Ͽ콺ܼƮ ̲ ū ̵˴ϴ. (α ̿밡մϴ)