215ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ
Ͻ: 2009 2 27 8
: Youth Festival I. (۰)
չ(ȭ 1г) A Piece for Piano No.5
(Pf. չ)
ȫ(õõ 1г) "A Special Dream" for Piano and Clarinet
(Cl. , Pf. ȫ)
(̴μ 2г) 7 Variations for Piano
(Pf. )
̼(ȭ 2г) "The end of rainy season" for Violin and Piano
(Vn. ȣ, Pf. ̼)
(ȭ 2г) Rondo for Piano & Cello
(Vc. , Pf. )
赿(翵 3г) "A boy is walking on his way..." for Piano
1. Maple leaves fall of the tree of wind.
2. A rainy wind.
(Pf. 赿)
( 3г) "Atlantic" for Piano
(Pf. )
(õܰ 1г) "Deja vu" for Piano
(Pf. )
(Ÿ 1г) Piano Trio II
(Vn. , Vc. , Pf. )
(ȫͻΰ 1г) "Imagine" for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Cello and Piano
(Fl. 躸, Ob. ڿ, Cl., Vc.̼, Pf. )
(¿ 2г) "ԬԬ֬ڬ" for Piano
(Pf. )
۷ ǰ ּ. Ͽ콺ܼƮ ̲ ū ̵˴ϴ. (α ̿밡մϴ)