452ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ | ALEPH Guitar Quartet
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452ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ
2015 7 27() 8
ALEPH Guitar Quartet
Johan Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Contrapuctus I from the Art of the Fugue, BWV1080
Stephan Storck (b.1961)
2 Bagatelles
Alberto Hortigüela (b.1969)
Die Sprache ist die Strafe
Manuel Hidalgo (b.1956)
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
String Quartet No.10 in E-flat Major, Op.74 (arr. by Manuel Hidalgo)
Johan Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Contrapuctus IX from the Art of the Fugue, BWV1080
John Cage (1912-1992)
Martin Smolka (Music for Marcel Duchamp)
Georg Friedrich Haas (b.1953)
Quartet for 4 Guitars
ݰ: Adriano Banchieri - Fantasia No.4 & No.6
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