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868ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ, ^^.
2021 10 11 .
2021 7 11 .
868ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ
2021 10 11 8
(Viola), μ(Piano)
Darius Milhaud (1892-1974)
4 Visages, Op.238
1. La Californienne
2. The Wisconsinian
3. La Bruxelloise
4. La Parisienne
Garth Knox (*1956)
Homage to Ysaÿe
1. Prelude
2. Ground
3. Moto Perpetuo
George Enescu (1881-1955)
Concert Piece
César Franck (1822-1890)
Sonata for Violin and Piano in A major, M.8 (performed on Viola and Piano)
1. Allegretto ben moderato
2. Allegro
3. Recitativo-Fantasia : Ben moderato
4. Allegretto poco mosso
Photograph by The House Concert
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