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920ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ | 2022. 07. 21() 8 - JULY Festival. (Oboe), 翬(Piano)

8 ܿ ٽ  
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2014 ù 1г̴ ''
2022  '' Ǿ 
20ֳ ־ϴ : )

920ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ

    2022 7 21() 8
    (Oboe), 翬(Piano) 



Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Flute Sonata in E major, BWV 1035
 (performed on Oboe and Piano)
1. Adagio ma non tanto
2. Allegro 
3. Siciliano
4. Allegro assai

Clara Schumann (1819-1896)
3 Romances, Op.22
 (performed on Oboe and Piano)
1. Andante molto 
2. Allegretto: Mit zartem Vortrage
3. Leidenschaftlich schnell

Béla Bartók (1881-1945)
Romanian Folk Dances, Sz.56 
(performed on Oboe and Piano)
1. Joc cu bâtǎ (Stick Dance)
2. Brâul (Sash Dance)
3. Pê-loc (In One Spot)
4. Buciumeana (Horn Dance) 
5. Poargǎ româneascǎ (Romanian Polka) 
6. Mǎrunţel (Fast Dance, from Nyágra)

Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)
Sonata for Oboe and Piano, FP 185 

1. Élégie
2. Scherzo
3. Déploration

Daniel Schnyder (*1961)
Sonata for Oboe and Piano

2. Langsam: Tempo Rubato 
3. Schell 
4. Sehr schnell: Alla breve


Béla Bartók (1881-1945)
An Evening in the Village (Este A Székelyeknél) 

Ennio Morricone (1928-2020)
Love Affair

Photograph by Sihoon Kim

*ٶ 佺Ƽ ڷγ19 濪Ģ ؼ(ũ )Ͽ ˴ϴ.

۷ ǰ ּ. Ͽ콺ܼƮ ̲ ū ̵˴ϴ. (α ̿밡մϴ)