- 24ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ | 2003. 05. 09() 8 - (Cello), (Piano)
- , The Mannes College of MUSIC. The Manhattan School of Music , The south bend Symphony Orchestra ̾ 85 øǴ 1 ÿ, ȭ. ſ. ø. . ߰迹 翪, . ֽ. . ϸ...
- 23ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ | 2003. 04. 25() 8 - Chino Syuichi(Piano/Computer, Japan), â(Piano), Sven Hermann(Accordion, Germany), Matthias Hettmer(Bass Guitar, Germany), Jevgenij Kondratiev(Video/Russia)
- б , 쿬 Rock Band ȴ. ó Free Jazz ؼ Band Session . ȭ, , ۰ ټѴ. 90뿡 () ǻ ֳ ν緹̼ ۾ ؼ Ʈ ߴ. ǾƳ븦 ↓...
- 22ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ | 2003. 04. 04() 8 - (Soprano), ӹ(Piano)
- п , ź (Manhattan School of Music) , Ϻη ָ(SUNY at Stony Brook) ڻ , , Ʈ, , Gaeumann Ի, "ҹݴ", "", "ϽŰŰ", " ǻ", " ǰʹ", "ġ", "...
- 21ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ | 2003. 03. 26() 8 - Wolfgang Stryi(Contrabass Clarinet, Germany), Alfred Harth(Saxophone, Germany), â(Piano), ּ(Trumpet, Guest)
- Wolfgang Stryi ձ Ǫó ¾.( Ұ ..)״ μӰ ,⺸? ǻ 浹 ڶ. ù° ڵ ˼ Ʈ ҳâ ָƮ Ȱϴ 9(?). װ پ DZ⸦ ״ 帮 (afro-jaz...
- 20ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ | 2003. 03. 14() 8 - â(Piano)
- ̹ ¿ ϴ ȸ
ϴ ¸ ϰ ȴ.