2020 7 19() 5
쿬(Flute), (Classical Guitar), , (Piano)
з 3
| α 3 ( 1-130)
ȸ | 30,000 / л 15,000 (*/50)
| https://bit.ly/3dMWKmk
| 02-576-7061, 010-2223-7061
| ѱȭȸ, SBSȭ
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佺Ƽ ü α : blog.naver.com/julyfestival
Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
Syrinx L.129 for Solo Flute
Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996)
Toward the Sea for Alto Flute and Guitar
1. The Night
2. Moby Dick
3. Cape Cod
Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Variations on "Trockne Blumen" for Flute and Piano in E minor, D.802
Beat Furrer (*1954)
Presto for Flute and PIano
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