2021 5 10() 8
(Clarinet), 翬(Piano)
з 3
| α 3 ( 1-130)
ȸ | 30,000 / л 15,000 (*/30)
| Ǿϴ.
| 02-576-7061, 010-2223-7061
| ѱȭȸ, SBSȭ
► 195:1 հ Ʈź ɽƮ ż ߵ ŬƼƮ . 谡 ̴ Ҹ ̿ ִ 밡 ܿ ϴ. Į Ҽ 3, ĸ ߽ Ư ϸ 츮 ǥϴ ڷ Ȱؿ ״ Ѿб 缺ϰ ֱ . ̹ Ͽ콺ܼƮ 뿡 Ǯũ Ŭ ҳŸ ߽ ġ 带 ijϴ. ︮ ϰ ŷ Ҹ, Բ ϼ :)
Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937)
Introduction and Rondo
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in E-flat major, Op.167
1 .Allegretto
2. Allegro animato
3. Lento
4. Molto allegro
Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
Première Rhapsodie for Clarinet and Piano, L.116
Pablo de Sarasate (1844-1908)
Carmen Fantasy, Op.25
Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, FP184
1. Allegro tristamente
2. Romanza
3. Allegro con fuoco
α ֽϴ.
| Innhyuck Cho (Clarinet)
Ʈź ɽƮ 195:1 հ ε ߵǾ Ŭ żڷ Ȱ ݷ ɽƮ ɽƮ ż ϸ ̱ Ƿ ڶ ѱ DZ ̴.
The Chamber Orchestra of Europe, 븮 , 븮 ҷ ɽƮ, ĸ ɽƮ, ̿ ۱Ǵ è ɽƮ, ü ɽƮ, ɽƮ KBSǴ, â 佺Ƽ ɽƮ Ͽ, ũ Į Ҽ 3 Ի Ӹ 丶 1, ĸ ߽ Ư 뿡 ̸ ˷, ؿİ 1 ѹ ִ.
2018 KBSǴܰ Ͽ, , , ϸ, ڸɽƮ Ͽ, ؿܿ ũ ɽƮ, ݷ ɽƮ, ̱ ƮŬ ɽƮ, Ŭ ÷̾, ĸǿ ɽƮ ϸ ȣ Ҵ.
״ ѱб ǿ ĸǿ(CNSMDP) Ͽ, DZ ȸ ݵ ũ ƼƮμ ΰ ִ. Ѿб ǰ 缺ϰ ִ.
翬 | Jae Youn Yoo (Piano)
£ ¾ ǾƴϽƮ 翬 б, 뿡 , , ѱб ְ Ͽ ̿ ϰ Artist Diploma Ͽ. ư 뿡 ϸ Ͽ, Anne Epperson, Jean Barr, Margo Garrett Collaborative Pianist Ŭ Ͽ ߴ. 2008 ư , ̿øϽƮ Regi Papa Բ Artur Balsam Duo Competition , ִϾ Ű , ī , ﱹ ڷ, ư б Staff Pianist , ȭ, Marrion Feldman, David Geber, Patinka Kopec, Lucie Robert, Michael Parloff, Linda Chesis Studio Pianist þ پ Ҵ. 翬 丮 ܿ ڷ Ȱ ̸, پ 뿡 ȸ ڷ, dz ڷμ Ȱ Ȱ ̴. б 縦 ߰, ȭ, ѱб Ⱝϸ Ĺ缺 ִ.
۷ ǰ ּ. Ͽ콺ܼƮ ̲ ū ̵˴ϴ. (α ̿밡մϴ)